Overview: Follows Ethan Bishop, an eight-year-old boy navigating a difficult time in his life that lands him on Santa’s naughty list. In response, Santa implements ‘Plan C,’ sending a legendary Lump of Coal to guide Ethan on a “ho-ho-hilarious journey.” Through a series of positive and negative experiences with the coal, Ethan discovers a life-altering artistic talent.
Status: In Production
Release date: December 25, 2025
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 1
Countries of origin: Canada,
December 25, 2025.
1 Episodes
Overview: The three-part special will follow Ethan Bishop, an eight-year-old boy navigating a difficult time in his life that lands him on Santa’s naughty list. In response, Santa implements ‘Plan C,’ sending a legendary Lump of Coal to guide Ethan on a “ho-ho-hilarious journey.” Through a series of positive and negative experiences with the coal, Ethan discovers a life-altering artistic talent.
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