Overview: Produced by Sony Pictures Television and presented to Fox Broadcasting Company in 2004. This pilot was rejected by Fox, but continued interest in the project led to the series being re-worked and picked up by Adult Swim. The pilot itself was founded by the lost media community.
Overview: The Garden Party episode with audio and pop out video commentary
Overview: The Trial of Robert Kelley episode with audio and pop out video commentary
Overview: Aaron McGruder introduces the episode "The Hunger Strike" which was permanently banned from airing on American television.
Overview: Aaron McGruder introduces the episode "The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show" which was permanently banned from airing on American television.
Overview: Deleted Scene from Season 1 episode "The Garden Party"
Overview: Deleted scene from Season 1 episode "The Trial of Robert Kelly" which was cut due to Park’s death near the air date.
Overview: Deleted scene from Season 1 episode "Guess Hoe's Coming to Dinner". Uncle Ruckus at his finest.
Overview: Animatics from the season 1 DVD