Overview: Ryuki Kirishima is a boy who lives with his older sister, Reiko, after the tragic death of their parents in a car accident. One summer day, Ryuki and his friends gather to watch adult videos for fun. Although Ryuki doesn’t usually enjoy this type of content, he feels inexplicably attracted to videos featuring Kiriru, a new and popular porn actress. As he watches, Ryuki feels a strong attraction to Kiriru, and to his surprise, she appears before him in person for sex.
Overview: After Ryuki had sex with the porn actress Kiriru, he met up with his friends at a river to swim naked. While trying to brag about his conquest with Kiriru, she suddenly appeared and scolded him for not fulfilling their agreement. As punishment, Ryuki had to record a homemade porn video in which Kiriru would have sex with his friends. During the sexual act, Ryuki felt jealousy and regret, and vented his frustration on Kiriru’s body.
Overview: Ryuki and Kiriru, after their previous sexual encounter, find themselves in a compromising situation during a soccer match. Following Ryuki’s good performance, Kiriru rewards him in the backyard garden, where they nearly get caught. There, Chiaki, a childhood friend, discovers them and, driven by jealousy, challenges them to a sexual competition at school, where all three will be naked and try to sexually satisfy Ryuki.
Overview: Ryuuki Kirishima, the protagonist, wonders why his older sister Rinko hasn’t shown him her room in four years. When he finally opens the door, he discovers Rinko’s true nature, leading him to an emotional release amidst the chaos. His feelings intensify to a critical point, and the secret between them will linger into their adulthood.