Overview: Polina wants the family to wear blue for picture day; Olie looks for something to bring to show and tell; Percy helps Big Gene and Little Gene repair their spaceship.
Overview: Zowie has fun with an imaginary friend who may not be so pretend after all.; Percy Polie comes down with a cold, and Mrs. Polie recruits Zowie to make sure that her husband stays in bed until he recovers.; Polieville is caught up in ""The Twirl"", a sing 'n' dance sensation pioneered by Chunk Squarey, who is, like Billy, from Cuby.
Overview: The kids go to a planet made of ice cream; The boys help make Gizmo's pomp stand upright when it somehow flops in front of Gizmo's face; Olie's parents remember the day they first met.
Overview: Olie finds out why girls play with dolls; Zowie learns a bad word and must find a way to stop saying it all the time; Some of the machines begin to dance.
Overview: Olie and Zowie are having trouble with bubbles and they can't find their way home; Olie goes on a space adventure; Zowie babysits Binky as she tries everything she can to stop Binky from breaking everything.
Overview: After Billy loses a game of boinky ball, Olie decides play other games with him, by losing on purpose to make Billy better; Olie is trying to find a puzzle piece; Olie and Billy are Robo Rangers and go through all the tips when scouting.
Overview: Olie discovers rust in outer space; Polina is feeling all wound up; Olie and Billy race against Zowie and Polli.
Overview: When Zowie accidentally takes Olie and Billy's treasure, she does not tell them, causing the boys to suspect each other of taking it; Olie loses a toy his dad gives him; Zowie finds a flower that she tries to nurse back to health.
Overview: A solar eclipse in Polieville is happening, making the sun is going black; Zowie wants to ride a bicycle; Olie thinks that he is tough.
Overview: Olie is watching space on a television; Olie and Billy pretend to be heroes; After Olie runs away and thinks nobody wants him around anymore Percy, Zowie and Polina must find a way to bring him back.
Overview: The Polies invite the Bevels over to celebrate a holiday that reminds them that all shapes are important; Olie has to write down his weekend activities in a diary for a school project, however when he spends all his time thinking up fun activities to put into his diary, he misses out on the real weekend fun; It's the annual Polie/Bevel talent show but Billy can't think of any talents that he has. Olie, however, overhears Billy singing a lullaby to Binky, and points out something Billy has been taking for granted, that he can sing Binky to sleep.
Overview: Housey is overworked and refuses to wake up. This suggests to the Polies that maybe they should all take it a little easy.; Coupey is jealous over the attention Percy is giving to Motorboy when Gizmo brings him around for a tune-up. Wheelie convinces Coupey that he's still an important member of the Polie family.; Zowie learns a few lessons in etiquette from ""Auntie"" Gizmo.
Overview: Olie and Zowie meet a new friend named Wheelie who has a wheel instead of legs; Pappy's horse Clippy has loses her confidence and Olie and Zowie try to help her regain it; Convinced by a television commercial that he looks doofy, Olie wants to get a box spiffer-upper kit to improve his looks, but as soon as he gets it and starts doing so right away, his parents decide to improve their looks, too. Zowie, who didn't use the spiffer-upper, thinks they look funnier than before.