Overview: The story of a shady corporation called "Vault-Tec" who constructed underground vaults to protect American citizens from a potential nuclear war.
Overview: The creation of, and tales surrounding a race known as "Super Mutants".
Overview: A look at the faction called "The Brotherhood of Steel" known for hoarding pre-war technology, specifically their time spent on the west coast of the US.
Overview: The story of "The Brotherhood of Steel" on the less civilized east-coast United States.
Overview: A look at an institution known as "The Enclave" both before and after the war.
Overview: The history of the "New California Republic" (or NCR) and their attempts to bring democracy and law into the post-apocalypse.
Overview: The history and ideologies of the NCR's biggest adversary, "Caesar's Legion".
Overview: How the New Vegas strip became prosperous in the post-apocalypse and the mysterious man behind it all named Mr. House.
Overview: The story of a raider tribe called the "Great Khans" known for drug trafficking.
Overview: The history and creation of creatures called "Ghouls" who began to appear in the post-apocalypse in various forms.
Overview: The story of a man named "Ulysses", a former member of Caesar's Legion who wears a flag of the old world on his back sending coded messages to an unknown person.
Overview: A closer look at the members of Caesar's Legion, specifically their Legates.
Overview: Various stories of different religions from before and after the war.
Overview: The story of a crater known as the "Big MT" where morally reprehensible scientific experiments take place.
Overview: The theories surrounding the possible existence of aliens, taking into account both arguments for and against the claims.
Overview: The origins of the post-war caravan company know as the "Crimson Caravan Company" and their position today.
Overview: The stories surrounding the mysterious and extremely dangerous "Sierra Madre Casino".
Overview: The story of ghoul named Harold is told; the Storyteller gets inspired.