Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Oliver Sacks talks about Migraine.
Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Rupert Sheldrake talks about the question revolution or wrong track?
Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Daniel C. Dennett talks about The Last Refuge of Humanity.
Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Stephen Toulmin talks about Descartes and Descartesanity.
Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Freeman Dyson talks about In Praise of Diversity.
Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Stephen Jay Gould talks about Unanswerable Questions.
Overview: "A Glorious Accident" is a 1993 documentary featuring several prominent scientists and philosophers hosted by Wim Kayzer. Six scientist discuss why we found us here.