Overview: {NONE}
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Howard Melrose knows.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -The Horned Serpent lives.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Godspeed, Angel.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -The Martian Serpent lives.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Stalemate, Angel.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Everyone loves you, Monty.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Euthanasia is an option for those suffering from American Wonderland Syndrome.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -The portrait of Vice President James Dean at 0:26 has not been found.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -After Clift spoke, James Dean, alive and well, joined him in the spotlight. Dean declared into the microphone, “Monty Clift is the one man in the world who can prevent nuclear war.”
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Good luck, Everett Arnoldson.
Overview: Cthonaut Transmission: -Mr. Serling and his publishers agreed that “The Death of President Dean” was a far more eye-catching title than “The Death of Vice President Dean.” After all, many expected Dean to run for office after President Clift’s term ended. A foolish dream.