Overview: The show returns for an eighth series with 20 contestants, all competing to impress judges Elle Macpherson, Tyson Beckford, Whitney Port and Julien Macdonald to win a contract with Models 1. The hopefuls perform a swimwear photoshoot on a beach in Dubai, but when it is announced the first girl will leave the following day, early rivalries begin to form
Overview: Star of The Hills and America's Next Top Model judge Kelly Cutrone gives the contenders a grilling in Toronto ahead of next week's final.
Overview: Elle Macpherson and the judges join the three finalists on a Toronto beach for a tribal-themed shoot, followed by an elimination. The remaining two then take part in a fashion show, but the pressure of the competition takes its toll, with one of them tripping up and the other missing her cue. Elle and the panel assess their performances and, after all the hard work, one of the girls is crowned the winner.
Overview: Following last week's final, this programme catches up with past contestants from all eight series of the competition, including first winner Lucy Ratcliffe and her successors, who reveal the paths their careers have taken since appearing on the show.