Overview: Shyam, an engineering graduate from Hyderabad, reluctantly takes up the job of Panchayat Secretary in Sivarapalli, a remote village in Telangana, due to a lack of job options. The show follows Shyam as he navigates the idiosyncrasies and absurdities of village life and his job while preparing for the GMAT, hoping to leave the village and move to the USA.
Status: Returning Series
Release date: January 23, 2025
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 8
Countries of origin: India,
January 23, 2025.
8 Episodes
Overview: Shyam, an engineering graduate from Hyderabad, reluctantly takes up the job of Panchayat Secretary in Sivarapalli, a remote village in Telangana, due to a lack of job options. The show follows Shyam as he navigates the idiosyncrasies and absurdities of village life and his job while preparing for the GMAT, hoping to leave the village and move to the USA.
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