Overview: Joe and Valerie, two young teenagers from blue-collar families, meet at a New York disco and fall in love when Joe bets his roommates, Frank and Paulie, that he can take Valerie away from her dancing partner.
Overview: Valerie arranges a disastrous date between Frank and her best friend Thelma and when she fixes up Paulie with a co-worker who gets married the night before the date, she must come up with a last minute substitute.
Overview: Joe and Valerie's romance hits a potential roadblock when Valerie finds out that her new boss at the department store is her ex-boyfriend Ernie (Marcus Smythe).
Overview: When Valerie's mother is unexpectedly called away for the weekend, Joe and Valerie face the prospect of spending their first night together; Joe's dilemma is that he loves Valerie too much to stay and he's afraid of what the guys will think if he doesn't.