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Give A witch A Bad Name

Give A witch A Bad Name

Episode number: 1
Confidence Trick

Confidence Trick

Episode number: 2

Overview: Cressie is going to fail her Broomstick Test. When she does, Hettie persuades Miss Cackle and Miss Hardbroom to let her try again. Mona and Hettie try to think of ways to inspire her confidence.

Rules Rules Rules

Rules Rules Rules

Episode number: 3

Overview: Hettie is sick of the traditional rules of Cackle's Academy, so she asks how the others feel as well. Most of the school feel the same way, so Miss Cackle lets the girls follow Hettie's rules for one day.

No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home

Episode number: 4
Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Episode number: 5
Truth or Lies

Truth or Lies

Episode number: 6

Overview: Hettie shows the wrong Bella an interesting book when she hungers for a potion that will do her homework for her.

Deadly Doubles

Deadly Doubles

Episode number: 7

Overview: End of term competition leads Bella to poison HB.

The Levitating Boomerang Broomstick

The Levitating Boomerang Broomstick

Episode number: 8

Overview: Hettie accidentally does a very famous broomstick trick whilst trying out for the Open Day Broom Formation. She takes all the glory, but then is thrown in the deep when Miss Cackle and Miss Hardbroom decide to drop the broom formation and expect Hettie to perform the trick for Open Day and in front of the last witch to do the trick, Araminta Hexley-Gore.

The Visitors

The Visitors

Episode number: 9

Overview: Pentangle's School is forced to share with Cackle's after their school floods, causing fights between the two schools.

The Bewitching of Mona Hallow

The Bewitching of Mona Hallow

Episode number: 10
The Black Hole Club

The Black Hole Club

Episode number: 11

Overview: Hettie rediscovers the "Black Hole Club" and Belladonna and Cynthia push their way in, to the dismay of Hettie, Mona and Cressie. Belladonna causes chaos with the Book of Trivial Magic and soon things become desperate.

Time After Time

Time After Time

Episode number: 12

Overview: Cressie discovers she is a Time Witch, a witch that can tamper with time, so Hettie pressures her to go back in time with her to patch a falling out with Mona.

The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

Episode number: 13

Overview: Belladonna's granny Bindweed and Miss Cackle's twin, Agatha try to take over the school yet again by using the End of Term prize, the very powerful Golden Broomstick.