Overview: ¡Mira Quien Baila!, also known as MQB, is a Spanish-language reality show airing on Univision in the United States. The show is part of the Dancing with the Stars franchise. The show involves celebrities being paired up with professional dancers. Each couple performs ballroom or Latin dances and competes for judges' critiques and audience votes. Whichever couple receives the lowest total amount of judges' critique and audience votes is eliminated until a champion is named at the end. Each celebrity is competing for a grand total of $50,000 for a charity of their choice.
Status: Returning Series
Release date: September 12, 2010
Number of season: 11
Number of episode: 95
Countries of origin: United States of America,
September 9, 2012.
11 Episodes
Overview: Debuted on Univision on September 9, 2012 at 8pm eastern. The TV series is the Spanish version of British show "Strictly Come Dancing" and American Version "Dancing with the Stars". Ten celebrities are paired with ten professional ballroom dancers. The winner will receive $150,000 for their charity. Javier Posa and Chiquinquirá Delgado are the hosts for this season.
See episodes