Overview: Judy introduces a new dog to the group but the friends have mixed emotions about her. She's great fun, but very bouncy. Fizz and Milo think she is lovely, but Jake is frightened of her and is worried that she might be staying. Is Jake right to be frightened?
Overview: Jake is not happy because the new dog, Izzles, is bouncy and keeps jumping up at him. Doodles is not happy because he is not getting as much attention anymore. Milo and Fizz told Jake that he does not have to be big to be brave, and he learns to control the boisterous new pet.
Overview: Doodles is jealous of the new dog, Izzles, and is so naughty that Max punishes him. The Tweenies make collages of the two dogs, and Doodles learns to make friends with the newcomer.
Overview: Doodles teaches Izzles much, but allows Izzles to take the blame for his mistakes. In the end, Doodles learns to be honest, and tells the Tweenies that he has behaved badly.
Overview: Max and Judy have to make a decision about Izzles' future with the Tweenies. Doodles has a word with her and Izzles starts to behave. The Tweenies are delighted that Izzles can stay now she is behaving herself.
Overview: Jake is curious about whales. He wants to know how big a blue whale really is, and tries to find out.
Overview: The Tweenies imagine they shrink to Tom Thumb's size and explore the playroom. They discover that it is frightening being small.
Overview: Max takes some of his belongings to a car-boot sale – but will he manage to sell anything?
Overview: It's up and down day for the Tweenies when Max's surprise does not work out as planned.
Overview: Every time the Tweenies get changed to go outside the weather changes. They put on their sun hats and it starts to rain, they dress up for the rain and it gets windy and when they get out into the garden, it starts to thunder.
Overview: The friends learn all about percussion instruments and Milo wants to play them all.
Overview: The friends learn all about stringed instruments and make music pictures.
Overview: The friends learn all about brass instruments, play around, and Bella and the Brass Notes perform their latest hit.
Overview: The friends learn all about woodwind instruments. While Judy makes music, all Max can produce is a terrible noise!
Overview: Max is invited to play with an orchestra, and it all goes with a bang.
Overview: Fizz finds her clay dinosaur toy missing, and accuses Milo of taking it.
Overview: Jake's wishes all come true, but for some reason they don't make him happy. What can possibly be wrong?
Overview: Max goes fishing with his friend Brian on the Isle of Man. Unfortunately, Max does not turn out to be a great fisherman. After seeing how herrings are turned into kippers, Max meets some Manx cats.
Overview: Milo fancies himself as a bit of a handyman. He tries to mend Max's clock but breaks it instead. Will Max be cross with him?
Overview: Bella wants someone to help her find her smile again. Perhaps the day's story "Where's Your Smile Crocodile?" will help.
Overview: Max goes to the Isle of Man in search of fairies. On the way, he takes a walk in the woods, and travels by horse tram and steam train. But will he find the fairies?
Overview: The Tweenies refuse to play together so they play on their own Milo plays snap Bella reads a book Fizz has a tea party and Jake plays with a beach ball Max reads a story called it's my turn then they all be friends again.
Overview: Bella gives Fizz a stick as a present, and Fizz finds out just how useful it can be.
Overview: Max visits the circus, finds out about life there and meets some talented friends.
Overview: Fizz decides to be a copycat and copies Bella in everything she does.
Overview: The Tweenies discover what their skills are and what they are champions at. Everyone is good at something.
Overview: Fizz has a hair-raising day as she tries to decide whether long or short hair is best.
Overview: Fizz excitedly tells everybody that her mother is about to have a baby, and the baby is expected that day. Every time the phone rings, she thinks it will be her daddy with the news.
Overview: Fizz celebrates the birth of her baby brother and makes him a card, Jake and Bella play mommies and daddies, while Milo has a surprise in store for Doodles – a new kennel.
Overview: Fizz is fed up with her new baby brother. She is tired and in a bad mood. Bella and Jake make a care for their baby doll.
Overview: Milo discovers a hedgehog in the garden. Fizz is still in a bad mood because the arrival of her baby brother has made her feel left out at home, so Max asks her to care for the hedgehog.
Overview: Fizz enjoys looking after the hedgehog, and when they have to let it go, she is happy to play with the baby dolly.
Overview: When Milo and Jake play firemen their fire truck keeps breaking they ask Bella to fix it but she tapes it up they ask Fizz she says talk to it nicely they boys end up telling Judy and she fixes it.
Overview: Jake finds out the meaning of "in between", with the help of Doodles.
Overview: Max and Judy have a race against each other, with Max driving a modern car and Judy driving an old-fashioned one. It is obvious who will win - or is it?
Overview: Bella discovers that it is Judy's birthday, and the Tweenies decide to secretly bake her a cake, but Max is trying to fix the washing machine at the same time and the cake goes wrong. Max explains to Bella that it is the thought that counts.
Overview: The Tweenies watch different types of dancing on the computer and put on a show. Fizz loves the Indian dancing, while Milo does Hungarian dancing and Bella does flamenco. Jake feels left out because he thinks he cannot dance properly, but he finds that he has got a special talent for Greek dancing.
Overview: The Tweenies decide it would be great fun to be each other, so they swap clothes and there toys. Bella pretends to be Milo she gets the scooter Milo pretends to be Fizz he likes pink and he gets the tutu Fizz is Jake she gets the spotty cape and Jake is Bella making him the oldest Doodles is Izzles being naughty and Izzles is Judy and telling them all what to do.
Overview: Judy asks a long list of questions when she visits the Science Museum.
Overview: The Tweenies learn about goats and play with a pretend troll called Bogsnort.
Overview: Jake dresses up as a kangaroo with help from Judy, and dances a kangaroo can-can with the others. Bouncing around is a lot of fun.
Overview: The Tweenies are horrified to learn that somebody kicked Doodles while he was on a walk. Bella also reveals that some of her neighbors have been rude to new neighbors because of the color of their skin.
Overview: Bella calls Milo, Fizz and Jake on her meeting table. They are worried about Max's old age, so they decide to help him – with disastrous consequences.
Overview: The Tweenies make breakfast for a giant, and Dot Man and Oval Man go on an adventure.
Overview: Bella makes a magical telescope which transports the Tweenies to a magical blue forest, where they all lose each other!
Overview: Max helps a family move to a new house.
Overview: Jake and Fizz decide to brush the dogs in exchange for some biscuits, but when the dogs do not get their biscuits they come up with a plan to get their own back.
Overview: Fizz is upset that she does not have a pony, so Jake suggests that she pretends she has one.
Overview: It is holiday time for Max and he is up, up and away!
Overview: Max has fun on holiday in sunny Tenerife, visiting an aquapark, an eagle park and Loro Parque.
Overview: The Tweenies look for signs of spring in the garden and make a spring collage.
Overview: The gang try to kiss Milo better after he sprains his wrist but he does not like kissing.
Overview: Max's home-grown vegetables prove very useful.
Overview: The Tweenies' clock is behaving very strangely, so Max tries to fix it.
Overview: The Tweenies spend the day playing a listening game, chinese whispers, with each other, but are so engrossed they fail to listen to Max's instructions properly.
Overview: Max has the chance to join in the carnival.
Overview: The Tweenies imagine a wedding where some old friends turn up.
Overview: The friends swap toys with each other, with some interesting results.
Overview: Max is having a very bad day, but his sister Polly organizes a team to help him out.
Overview: Judy returns to the land where she was born.
Overview: The gang all learn to do something new.
Overview: The friends learn about opera, and plan a wonderful surprise for Judy.
Overview: The Tweenies enjoy their cowboy game, but it is not much fun for Doodles and Izzles.
Overview: When lzzles goes off her food, Doodles solves the problem.
Overview: The Tweenies meet some very strange animals.
Overview: Judy is invited to her friends' wedding but she is not sure what they would like for a wedding present. Judy decides on a bodhran, which is shown being made by Malakey, a master bodhran maker.
Overview: The Tweenies imagine what it would be like to disappear.
Overview: The Tweenies and Max put on a show for Judy, but Max finds it hard to keep up.
Overview: Max and the Tweenies make a summer collage.