Overview: Several months after the events of their original adventure, disillusioned surviving adventurers are trying to move on with their mundane lives. Jil and Fatina run into a little girl who shows them that their climb must continue.
Overview: The corrupt lackeys of king Gilgamesh send the army to capture the girl, but Jil and his friends promise her they'll keep her safe and take her to the top of the tower. Not everyone is happy to be in the party, though.
Overview: The party reaches the hellish ice desert at the top of the tower, but the desert isn't what it used to be since their friend Melt developed his questionable blooming business there. However, his welcome is anything but worm.
Overview: In order to reach the secret top of the tower, the party must once again defeat the now much weaker Druaga. Some mysteries get resolved, but others remain as a new enemy party reveals itself. Also, the trip to the top might be one way only.
Overview: The first level of the secret part of the tower is a desert where shadow demons roam. While the three conflicted parties are trying to find a way though them, the old king Gilgamesh is losing his battle with his evil half.
Overview: The three parties and Neeba and Kaaya face the mysterious four assassins. The good news is that Jil is finally on Neeba and Kaaya's trail.
Overview: The parties reach the wondrous Mansion of Eternal Spring where memories of those gone and things lost materialize. Even though no one wants to leave, Jil knows their mission can't wait. The four assassins and a traitor follow them.
Overview: Jil finally catches up to Neeba and gets some answers, but one of the four assassins attacks. More about Neeba's past and motivations and the nature of the tower is revealed. A rebellion against maddened king Gilgamesh is nigh.
Overview: The traitor takes Kaaya and Coopa to the real top of the tower where shadow king awaits. Neeba also finds a way to the shadow king's realm, as well as Jil. King Gilgamesh gives in to his madness and the rebellion is about to fail.
Overview: Melt goes to find Coopa, while Coopa comes up with an escape plan of her own. Neeba and Jil face the remaining assassins. The shadow king awaits his challenger. The rebellion against king Gilgamesh meets an unexpected fate.
Overview: The battle with the shadow king begins. It will decide the fate of the rebellion as well.
Overview: The new lord of the tower commences with the attack on the gods themselves. Now it's up to Jil and his friends to put an end to him as well and save the world.