Action & Adventure
Overview: 19-2 is a riveting French-language Canadian drama series set in Montreal. The show follows two police officers, seasoned veteran Nick Barron and rural newcomer Ben Chartier, as they navigate the challenges of working in the 19th precinct. Despite their contrasting approaches to policing, the duo forms a strong partnership while facing dangerous criminals, corruption within the force, and their personal struggles. As the series unfolds, it delves into the emotional and psychological impact of their demanding profession, providing an authentic look into the lives of law enforcement officers.
Status: Ended
Release date: February 2, 2011
Number of season: 3
Number of episode: 30
Countries of origin: Canada,
February 2, 2011.
10 Episodes
Overview: Two police officers reluctantly partner up and patrol the streets of Montreal, battling their own demons and those of their fellow citizens.
See episodesJanuary 28, 2013.
10 Episodes
Overview: Cop Nick Beroff returns to work on Montreal's mean streets alongside new partner Ben, who's used to the pace of the Quebec Provincial Police.
See episodesJanuary 28, 2015.
10 Episodes
Overview: After uncovering the mole, Ben and Nick reckon with the consequences of their actions.
See episodes