Overview: In the wake of Overlord's defeat, Ninjago City is reborn and the ninjas teach at Sensei Wu's academy. But the peace doesn't last long.
Overview: After being pursued to Sensei Garmadon's monastery by the Nindroids, the ninjas sneak back into Ninjago City under the guise of a circus train.
Overview: Zane gives up half his power to save P.I.X.A.L. just as foes attack from all sides. Meanwhile, Lloyd and his father travel to Hiroshi's Labyrinth.
Overview: Underneath Ninjago City, the ninjas discover secrets about the Serpentine when they fight alongside them against the Nindroids.
Overview: The ninjas venture into the Digiverse to confront the Digital Overlord. Meanwhile, Pythor and Wu lead a Nindroid attack on Borg Tower.
Overview: Pythor and the Nindroids free the Digital Overlord. Meanwhile, Wu and Garmadon stumble upon Pythor's top-secret scheme, Project Arcturus.
Overview: After battling Nindroids on the outside of the Arcturus ship, the ninjas hang on as the craft takes the battle into the heart of a comet.
Overview: The Nindroids use the Golden Weapons to transform the Overlord into the Golden Master. In the ruins of Ninjago, the ninjas prepare their final stand.