Overview: Penn & Teller make 7 outrageous claims. 6 are true and one is a big fat lie! Stories include, a head of hair can lift a car filled with people ten feet in the air, profanity can lessen pain, if you can land a plane with it's doors.
Overview: Penn & Teller make 7 outrageous claims. 6 are true and one is a big fat lie. Stories include, a torch fueled by bacon can cut through solid steel, wrestlers can be defeated by a large cheese and wallpaper is strong enough to withstand a wrecking ball.
Overview: Penn & Teller make 6 outrageous claims. 5 are true and one is a big fat lie. Stories include, road kill can be healthy eating, four hundred eggs can hold up a ton of cheerleaders and Piranahs will not kill you.
Overview: Claims include that a butter knife can stop a bullet and that man can fly using bleach for fuel.
Overview: Claims involving cotton candy, machine guns and carnival games are featured. One story out of six is false.
Overview: Episode Synopsis: Seven far-fetched claims are made, and one is false. Stories involving a snail, a superhighway, a linen shirt and an airplane are featured.