Overview: Bill Oddie is the first celebrity to undergo the family tree search, as he endeavours to find out more about his mother, who was institutionalised when he was a child.
Overview: Actress Amanda Redman explores her roots.
Overview: Actress Sue Johnston explores her roots.
Overview: Jeremy is determined to find out if his mother was descended from the Kilner Jar people, and if they were, where all the money had gone.
Overview: Ian finds out more about the part his grandfathers played in the wars of the 20th Century.
Overview: Moira Stuart's family tree exploration takes from the Highlands of Scotland to the West Indies.
Overview: David explores his Jewish roots and discovers some Orthodox Jewish relatives in London.
Overview: Lesley explores her family tree in Yorkshire.
Overview: Meera's exploration takes her to the Punjab.
Overview: Was Vic's father a bigamist?