Overview: Ace test pilot Hal Jordan, who leads a secret life as Earth's guardian Green Lantern, is called back to Oa. Searching for the culprits behind a series of Green Lantern deaths in "Frontier Space", Hal and his gruff fellow Green Lantern Kilowog “commandeer” The Interceptor, a prototype spaceship powered by pure Green Lantern energy and an advanced artificial intelligence system that Hal names Aya
Overview: Hal and Kilowog discover that a group of Red Lanterns, including the conflicted Razer and the vile Zilius Zox have been targeting and eliminating Green Lanterns in Frontier Space. Along with the help from a surviving Frontier Space Green Lantern Shyir Rev , Hal and Kilowog must stop the Red Lantern leader Atrocitus from destroying Shyir's home planet of Colony 12.
Overview: Hal and Kilowog are forced to fight their enemies with their captive and former Red Lantern, Razer.
Overview: While Hal and Kilowog deal with a new threat, Aya reveals that she can transfer herself into a robotic body and leave the ship.
Overview: To win the hand of an alien princess, Hal must fight a brutal warlord.
Overview: The Interceptor crew follows a power ring to an unknown world in search of a new Green Lantern.
Overview: Razer goes to the Red Lantern homeworld Shard in an attempt to do what the Green Lanterns can't - kill Atrocitus.
Overview: Hal and Kilowog visit an alien planet in search of food, but encounter two warring races of aliens.
Overview: Carol Ferris encounters an alien jewel and becomes the Star Sapphire, a powerful but unstable Violet Lantern. She learns Hal Jordan's identity and fights him for his deceiving her.
Overview: Returning to the planet Betrassus, Hal and his team try to help Queen Iolande against a new Red Lantern--her brother Prince Ragnor.
Overview: The Red Lanterns plot their next move.
Overview: The team must block the way to Guardian Space when the Red Lanterns head for it.
Overview: Oa is infiltrated by the Red Lanterns.
Overview: When Hal returns to Earth, he finds out he's been replaced as the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 by Guy Gardner.
Overview: When the Anti-Monitor makes his presence known, Hal turns to Kilowog, Razer, and Aya for assistance.
Overview: Hal visits a steampunk world.
Overview: al and his team must come to the aid of their old friend Saint Walker when the Manhunters attack the world where he is training his new Blue Lantern Corps.
Overview: Green Lantern Sinestro unleashes a dangerous creature on board the Interceptor.
Overview: Hal, Kilowag, Razer, and Aya attend a rebuilding ceremony between the Guardians and the Red Lanterns on their capitol planet, Ysmault. However, a rampant malfunctioning Manhunter threatens to derail the fragile state of peace between both sides.
Overview: A horde of Manhunters gives chase as our heroes' hope runs thin. Their will is truly tested as they prepare for an inevitable face-off against the unstoppable Anti-Monitor -- a battle for the lives of everyone in the galaxy.
Overview: When the team is stranded on an alien planet without the use of their rings, they lose their ability to translate each others languages and must learn to communicate as a team.
Overview: Aya seeks to destroy the Star Sapphires' planet!
Overview: Hal, Kilowog, and Razer encounter the Orange Lantern Corp or what's left of them!
Overview: The Green Lanterns use yellow crystals to try and stop Aya's rampage.
Overview: The Green Lanterns find the Anti-Monitor's head in working order.
Overview: The Green Lantern Corps makes their final stand against Aya.