Overview: As a former elite detective of public security, Izawa who has been assigned a special mission to foresee crimes before they happen via the “Pre-Criminal Investigation System” begin another thrilling journey with his counterparts, Yamauchi and Odagiri. A breathtaking adventure awaits…
Overview: After going missing during bailment, Izawa receives voluntary questioning from Hayakawa of the Metropolitan Police Department regarding the body of a former officer. Meanwhile, when he sees someone through the magic mirror, he becomes furious…
Overview: Izawa goes to visit the prisoner who is serving his dues. Meanwhile, he believes that the murderer who killed his wife and daughter is not him...
Overview: A new target rises in the horizon for Izawa and the investigation team, as a consultant who supports people who are planning on taking one’s own lives seems to be acting deviously with different intentions…
Overview: Members of the Ministry of Justice, Metropolitan Police Dept. as well as a lawyer comes to meet Izawa and co for an inspection. Meanwhile, the members make a great deal of effort to please the inspectors presenting them with their recent results as well as their current investigations…
Overview: After a serious murder incident committed by a 17-year old high-school student sends shockwaves, the pre-criminal investigation becomes the subject of controversy, as Izawa gets the blame for not picking it out much earlier…
Overview: Even though Kosaka feels that she’s unable to be on level terms with Izawa, who has lived his life knowing that having a family would be difficult, she believes that they both have one mission in common, which is to seize criminal activity before they happen…
Overview: The highly dangerous criminals who the pre-criminal investigation unit had been trying to investigate had already made a run. The criminals had comitted a series of crimes including trickey in the housing business through to a past murder incident which requires attention...
Overview: In a intense situation whereby a terrorist bomb attack is about to occur, Kosaka suddenly disappears. Meanwhile, Izawa discovers that there are important data regarding this threat in her handheld PC…
Overview: The terror plot for the summit has been successfully seized. However, the individual who is supposedly assumed to have been linked gets shot dead…
Overview: Izawa and co realize the identity of the leader behind the terror plot. Meanwhile, the pre-criminal investigation unit realize a new individual with a potential threat…