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Error 404: het internet in crisis

Error 404: het internet in crisis

Episode number: 1

Overview: The World Wide Web, once a symbol of hope and freedom, has grown 35 years later into a web of commercial interests, dependency and disinformation. A number of large tech companies determine what we see and do, while democracy and autonomy are under pressure. How did it come to this and how can we make the internet available to everyone again? These pioneers are committed to a healthier internet that takes our human rights into account: Rudy van Belkom of the Future Image of Technology Foundation, MEP Kim van Sparrentak, Nabiha Syed of Mozilla Foundation, action group Ctrl + Alt + Reclaim and lawyer Ramya Krishnan.

De strijd om de diepzee

De strijd om de diepzee

Episode number: 2

Overview: At the bottom of the deep sea, large quantities of cobalt, nickel and copper are apparently there for the taking. We are in the crucial phase of the energy transition and are at the beginning of a geopolitical race to mine these raw materials for our batteries. A devilish dilemma, because with it we inevitably cause damage to the bottom of the deep sea. A look at the companies in this emerging industry, a deep-sea biologist and actions by environmental organizations.