Overview: When a young girl named Hisako Ichiki goes missing in northern Japan, her parents seek help in Professor Xavier, who calls on the X-Men to unite.
Overview: The X-Men carry out an investigation that leads them to the U-Men, a group of mad scientists whose hideout contains a horrifying secret.
Overview: Hisako's mutant powers are weakened during a fierce battle between the X-Men and Todd, the U-Men's mad scientist.
Overview: The X-Men are put at risk of secondary mutation when the Blackbird is attacked by a bat-like creature showing dangerous signs of Damon-Hall Syndrome.
Overview: Emma allows Professor Xavier to read her mind and reveal her thoughts after Cyclops opposes her membership in the X-Men.
Overview: An intense battle ensues when the X-Men are attacked by remnants of the U-Men after being forced to execute an emergency landing in the Blackbird.
Overview: Having defeated the U-Men, the X-Men come face to face with Yui Sasaki at her underground base, where she once ran a school for mutant children.
Overview: After falling ill with Damon-Hall Syndrome, Riko and Kaga attack the X-men's base, while Emma spies on a stranger in her diamond form.
Overview: Revelations abound when it's discovered that Riko and Kaga were drugged by Yui and that Jun and Mastermind are one in the same.
Overview: Mastermind's evil plans are frustrated as a fierce battle between the X-Men and the Four Pillars of the Inner Circle rages on.
Overview: Despite Yui's attempts to suppress them, Takeo's powers continue to gain strength, causing reality itself to become more and more twisted.
Overview: The X-Men mount an attack to bring down Professor Xavier's son, Takeo, before he destroys the world, putting an end to both mutants and humanity.