Overview: A takeoff on game shows begins with comedians Kumail Nanjiani, Ethan T. Berlin and Ben Garant engaging in outlandish challenges that include shaming puppies.
Overview: Dana Gould, Eugene Mirman and Damien Lemon compete in absurd games such as "inspiring a gospel singer.''
Overview: Tom Lennon, Chris Gethard and Nicole Parker make appearances.
Overview: Kumail Nanjiani, Tom Lennon and Eugene Mirman make appearances.
Overview: Dana Gould, Michael Che and Andy Daly are the panelists. Among the challenges: designing back tattoos.
Overview: Kumail Nanjiani, Bobby Moynihan and Ben Garant are the panelists. Among the challenges: creating new art pieces.
Overview: Alex Borstein, Ethan T. Berlin and Jordan Klepper are the panelists. Among the challenges: insult the injured.
Overview: Matt Oberg, Michael Che and Alison Rich are the panelists. Among the challenges: fixing animals.
Overview: John Gemberling, Alex Borstein and Andy Daly are the panelists for the Season 1 finale. Among the challenges: belittling historic events.