Overview: ""New Dial-It Services;"" Bill Cosby; comedian-juggler Michael Davis.
Overview: Dave invites poorly-seated audience member Cathy Renault to sit onstage; Andy Kaufman & Freddie Blassie visit; Alba Ballard and her assistant show off costumed birds.
Overview: ""Bad Phone Call"" to TV's Larry Hovis; Dr. Ruth Westheimer answers audience questions; Tommy Casabona drills a hole in Dave's desk to accomodate the desktop microphone cord (the legendary RCA 77DX); former ""Saturday Night Live"" creator/executive producer Lorne Michaels visits.
Overview: Dave introduces his Columbus Day gift collection and fronts an Afterschool Special called ""They Took My Show Away;"" Gilda Radner promotes Roseanne Roseannadanna's ""Hey, Get Back to Work!"" book, which has an unusually long forward. Later she and Dave call Mrs. Elizabeth Gilles, the prototype for Gilda's Emily Litella character on ""Saturday Night Live.""
Overview: R.E.M. performs ""Radio Free Europe.""