Overview: Shido Itsuka is an ordinary high school student living with his little sister in Tengu City, a city that is often disrupted by "spatial quakes". During a spatial quake at the beginning of the school year, he meets a beautiful and mysterious "Spirit".
Overview: Shido practices making women fall in love with him and has another encounter with the Spirit "Princess".
Overview: With the support of Ratatoskr, Shido goes on a date with Tohka as Origami watches from afar.
Overview: Shido encounters the mysterious "Hermit" one rainy day, and Tohka and Origami fight over Shido at school.
Overview: Shido goes to Origami's apartment to look for Hermit's puppet, Yoshinon, who was lost during the last fight, and Tohka talks with Reine about her feelings for Shido.
Overview: Shido and the Spirits decide to visit Tengu City Hot Springs, but they run into some trouble on the way.
Overview: A young AST joins Origami and the others in the fight against the Spirits. Meanwhile, another transfer student appears at Shido's school.
Overview: Shido takes Tohka, Kurumi, and Origami out on dates on the same day. Will he be found out?
Overview: Shido and the others face off against "Nightmare", and they receive some unexpected help.
Overview: Shido learns the truth about his and Kotori's powers, and Origami reveals more details about her past.
Overview: To get ready for his date with Kotori, Shido goes swimsuit shopping with Tohka and Yoshino. Meanwhile, Origami finds out more about Ifrit.
Overview: Shido and Kotori enjoy their date at the amusement park until they are interrupted by Origami.