Overview: The girls of this manga club have the imagination for manga, but not the work ethic.
Overview: Manga is a tough business and only the strong will survive.
Overview: Manga is a tough business and only the strong will survive.
Overview: Mi-chan is incredibly courageous and will do anything to prove it.
Overview: A time tunnel has appeared and there is only room in the pot for one.
Overview: Mi has been sucked into the world of online video games and only her friends can save her!
Overview: Mi v.s. a cat!
Overview: Mi v.s. a cat!
Overview: The club follows Ponoka to learn the secrets to her awesomeness.
Overview: The club follows Ponoka to learn the secrets to her awesomeness.
Overview: 20,000 yen is not enough.
Overview: To Mai, monsters are like Santa Claus.
Overview: Mi-chan might not make it...