Overview: Dog and Cat is an American television series that aired on ABC on Saturday night at 10:00 p.m Eastern time in 1977. Lou Antonio played Sgt. Jack Ramsey, an undercover detective with the Los Angeles Police Department, who found himself teamed with a very green partner named J.Z. Kane. Together they formed a relationship based on friendship and trust that led to them capturing many of L.A.'s criminals. Lieutenant Arthur Kipling was their boss. "Dog and Cat" is a slang term used by police officers to denote a male-female partnership. The show is especially remembered for the car that Kim Basinger used in the series: a souped-up Volkswagen Beetle with a Porsche engine.
Status: Ended
Release date: July 22, 1977
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 7
Countries of origin: United States of America,