Overview: In Tokyo's Chiyoda-ku is the traditional school Otonokizaka High. Second year student Kosaka Honoka discovers the school will be closed in three years. In order to avoid being closed, the school must increase its number of prospective students.
Overview: Honoka and friends form a school idol group to entice more students to attend. When pointed out their group could have the opposite of their desired effect, Honoka becomes dispirited.
Overview: Honoka's group idol name is "µ's" and the group debuts their first song. Their popularity grows at school, and they have their first concert.
Overview: µ's completes their first concert in an empty auditorium. In attempt to get a massive crowd for their next performance, Honoka tries to recruit Hanayo.
Overview: µ's is now at 6 members with the addition of Hanayo, Rin, and Maki. The group attempts to make their idol group into a proper school club. However, they are informed another idol club exists, and must negotiate with them.
Overview: µ's has officially become a school club! The student council vice president asks Honoka why she is leader, if she does not have any responsibilities in the group. So, the group sings and dances to determine their new leader!
Overview: The girls learn the idol festival, 'Love Live!' is going to be held, and immediately set their sights on performing. The girls are permitted by the director they can perform if they do not fail their final exams.
Overview: The school is threatened to be closed. In order to protect Otonokizaka High, Eli looks for ways to make the open campus a success. When trying to help the group's success, Umi tries to get Eli to teach them how to dance.
Overview: µ's grows to nine members with the addition of Eli and Nozomi. The group's School Idol ranking is rising to 50th, but they must reach 20th place to participate in Love Live! They must take drastic measures to reach their goal.
Overview: Honoka suggests the group stays overnight at Maki's summer home to practice. When the girls arrive they ignore their training and go play on the beach, instead.
Overview: It is a new semester and the group is ranked 19th, which is high enough to be considered for Love Live! µ's next event is at the school festival, but they are forced to perform on the roof.
Overview: µ's cancels its school festival concert after Honoka collapses. Honoka learns the group has been revoked from entry into Love Live. However, due to their success, the school is going to admit new students next year.
Overview: Honoka quits being a School Idol after she failed to realize Kotori was suffering. µ's goes on hiatus, and Honoka is left without a goal. Honoka arranges for Umi to meet her, and tells her how she really feels.