Overview: A fearsome godlord from an alternate dimension is trapped in the small town of Oak Grove, where his only friend is a macabre little girl named DYLAN. Together they fight the boredom of suburban life.
Overview: Golan's plans to escape back to his home dimension are threatened when he catches the chicken pox from Dylan.
Overview: Golan believes the tooth fairy is real, and he informs everyone they’re in a relationship.
Overview: Golan is enraged when the family ditches him to attend a funeral without him.
Overview: In an attempt to mimic the Easter resurrection, Golan accidentally creates a clone of himself who proves to have a mind of his own.
Overview: In GOLAN THE INSATIABLE, a fearsome godlord from an alternate dimension is trapped in the small town of Oak Grove, where his only friend is a macabre little girl named Dylan. Together they fight the boredom of suburban life, as the young misfit urges Golan to destroy and wreak havoc on the town that makes her so miserable.