Overview: Deborah Sampson goes undercover as a man to fight in the Revolutionary War, Rose Valland rescues art from the Nazis, and Clara Barton becomes "the angel of the battlefield."
Overview: Occultist and rocket scientist Jack Parsons works on his "sex magick," W.C. Minor helps write the Oxford English Dictionary, and Rasputin lives the high life in Russia.
Overview: Hip hop is born in 1970s New York City, Berry Gordy founds the massively influential Motown Records, and Nichelle Nichols brings the civil rights movement to space.
Overview: Margaret Sanger is a pioneering advocate for birth control, the Kinseys create a scale for sexuality, and journalist Gloria Steinem goes undercover in a Playboy Club.
Overview: British suffragettes learn jiu-jitsu, Gwendolyn Sanders ignites the Birmingham Crusade, and Judy Heumann leads a sit-in for people with disabilities.
Overview: Fred Rogers fights for public television in front of Congress, journalist Ida Tarbell takes on John D. Rockefeller, and Maya Lin designs the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Overview: Mystery writer Agatha Christie vanishes, a man known as D.B. Cooper successfully hijacks a plane, and a series of anonymous letters haunts the town of Circleville, OH.
Overview: A group of artists known as the Ghost Army trick German troops, a resistance movement grows within Japanese internment camps, and Adolf Hitler's nephew fights for the U.S.
Overview: An Italian handyman steals the “Mona Lisa,” the “Santa bandits” rob a bank in Texas, and Mossad agents capture a Nazi general who had escaped to Argentina.
Overview: A lawyer defends the lives of rats in court, Henry Bergh establishes the ASPCA, and a horse that can solve math problems leads to advances in the field of psychology.
Overview: Joan of Arc leads the French during the Hundred Years' War, Mongol leader Genghis Khan rises to power, AND Mansa Musa brings thousands of people on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Overview: Robert E. Lee's estate becomes a burial ground for Union soldiers, a gang of counterfeiters attempt to kidnap Abraham Lincoln's body, and an embalmed bandit makes his way around the country.
Overview: A victim of the Salem witch trials curses the town, one woman changes the way people celebrate Halloween, and Vlad the Impaler inspires the classic horror story Dracula.