Overview: Delhi is home to breathtaking architecture, delicious food, and...well, the world's highest rate of traffic accidents. The chaotic streets are virtually lawless, filled with cars, cows, tuk tuks, motorcycles, and even the odd camel.
Overview: It may be the backpacker's must-see, but if you go to the Venice of the East, don't drive! The streets are teeming with seven million vehicles - and 1,200 new ones are added, every day! Host Andrew Younghusband gets an introduction to the madness beside a Hollywood stuntman for a whirlwind ride and a daring lesson on how to really move in this city.
Overview: Mexico City is the hemisphere's most populous city. And for every baby born, two new vehicles hit these already over-burdened streets.
Overview: Getting around the most densely-populated city on the planet is like navigating a bee hive. Except the bees are driving cars, trucks and adult-sized trikes. A glamourous race car driver teaches host Andrew Younghusband the merits of offensive driving.
Overview: One of the foodie capitals of the world, Lima is known as the Garden City, but driving here definitely isn't a walk in the park; there are over 50,000 traffic accidents every year! Almost half of those involve vehicles called combis - risky public transit that locals rely on. Andrew helps a combi driver solicit passengers and then gets behind the wheel to experience first-hand the manic and harrowing traffic of downtown Lima.
Overview: Half of Mongolia's population lives in the capital of this horse-loving country. And they drive their cars like they ride their horses: fast and furious. Just five per cent of the roads leading from Ulaanbaatar are paved. That means, potholes, sinkholes and, did we say potholes? Host Andrew Younghusband learns to drive on the addled downtown streets and how to cross the street in a place where tourists are simply told: don't cross the street.
Overview: Andrew challenges the streets of Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia.