Overview: Rose has decided it’s time to get back into an old habit: keeping a diary. Only this time she’s going do it by video!
Overview: In Rose’s second personal video diary, she discusses the dilemma of school dances. To go or not to go? It’s not always a simple question.
Overview: Rose reacts to the school semi-formal, and how relationships change over time.
Overview: We first heard Rose mention her pen-pal in the second season finale. She’s a little behind writing back, because she’s stuck on a few things. Maybe you can give her advice?
Overview: Rose is feeling quite inspired! She and Claire just walked home from school and all they talked about was amazing out and proud women. They spoke of Kathleen Wynne(Ontario’s first female premier), Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir the prime minister of Iceland, andJulie d’Aubigny – a 17th-century swordswoman, actor, singer and out bisexual. It’s super cute how Rose is engaged, but she is still trying to find her bravery. “The bravery will come”, said David at Rose’s first PFLAG meeting. His words still stand out to her.
Overview: Rose may have discovered something her dad has been keeping from her for some reason.
Overview: Rose responds with fear and anger to news article she recently read online “Bullied Catholic student speaks out”; about an out lesbian student in Windsor, Ontario who is being bullied by her religion teacher and is threatened with a lawsuit for speaking out.
Overview: It’s the middle of the night, and an old memory must have resurfaced in Rose’s dream. She’s awake just enough to grab her camera and record her memories, of a time when she and Vanessa could still be friends.
Overview: Rose’s dad has just finished having “a talk” with her. She initially anticipated finally hearing about this new mystery woman in his life. However, it turns out they now have to sell Rose’s childhood home and move into an apartment. The idea of apartment hunting is foreign to her, as she feels like they’ve lived in their current home forever. She begins to reminisce and is surprised to discover what her first memory actually is.
Overview: Like so many girls her age, Rose is not happy with her appearance.
Overview: For the first time ever, Rose records one of her personal video diaries in a public place! Maybe a little too public, as she gets an interruption by the barista who works at the coffee shop Rose visits.
Overview: For the first time ever, Rose records one of her personal video diaries in a public place! Maybe a little too public, as she gets an interruption by the barista who works at the coffee shop Rose visits.