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Could You Be a Hero?

Could You Be a Hero?

Episode number: 1

Overview: The second-season opener explores the statistical likelihood of being a hero.

Are You a Sucker?

Are You a Sucker?

Episode number: 2

Overview: Stats on gullibility and tips on how to avoid scams.

Are You Desirable?

Are You Desirable?

Episode number: 3

Overview: Did you know there’s one colour that makes you more desirable? And a single accessory that can make you appear smarter? Learn the tools to physical and social desirability.

Are You a Jerk?

Are You a Jerk?

Episode number: 4

Overview: Did you know that being a jerk could earn you nearly $10,000? Data scientist Jake Porway reveals how to tap into the benefits of being a jerk without making a long list of enemies.

Are You a Big Liar?

Are You a Big Liar?

Episode number: 5

Overview: Ninety-two percent of people have admitted to lying during their lifetime, and those other 8 percent ... well, we're not so sure about them. The truth is — we lie. But why? Jake demonstrates that lying isn't always about getting what we want, nor is it necessarily mean-spirited. But lying is prevalent, so he'll show you how to spot a lie to avoid getting duped.

Could You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

Could You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

Episode number: 6

Overview: Whether you're facing the end of the world, a zombie apocalypse or a blackout, data scientist Jake Porway has the numbers you need to survive any disaster.

How Tough Are You?

How Tough Are You?

Episode number: 7

Overview: Do you have courage? Confidence? Commitment to a goal? If you do, you might be tougher than you think. Jake reveals that toughness is about more than just strength and shows how to boost your natural fortitude to become tough as nails.

Could You Be the Boss?

Could You Be the Boss?

Episode number: 8

Overview: Jake Porway shows you the science behind true boss-level leadership, revealing the two top traits of the best bosses and giving you the inside scoop on how to pick the perfect team.

Can Cracking Codes Change Your Life?

Can Cracking Codes Change Your Life?

Episode number: 9

Overview: National Treasure, The Da Vinci Code, Indiana Jones – what do these movies have in common? All require their heroes to solve intricate puzzles to find the treasure and save the day.

Can You Get What You Want?

Can You Get What You Want?

Episode number: 10

Overview: Ever wondered why some people seem naturally convincing? Data scientist Jake Porway reveals the secrets persuasive people use to talk their way out of trouble and into triumph.

Are You Superstitious?

Are You Superstitious?

Episode number: 11

Overview: A look at superstitions and what makes some people more likely to be superstitious than others.

Are You a Risk Taker?

Are You a Risk Taker?

Episode number: 12

Overview: The pros and cons of risk taking are considered through the use of statistics.