Overview: After blocking the way to the Netherworld, Puss and company return to San Lorenzo to find a town that's greatly changed -- with a new man in charge!
Overview: Puss rallies the San Lorenzans to save their town before El Moco blows it to bits. But building an army requires Puss to swallow his pride.
Overview: The orphans compete in a high-stakes contest at the Duchess's command. A strange rumbling shakes things up in San Lorenzo.
Overview: A notorious loan shark shows up in San Lorenzo and insists that Puss's boots belong to him. But without them, Puss just isn't the same.
Overview: It began as a harmless parlor trick. But when Pajuna summons ghosts from the other side, vengeful spirits start taking over the townsfolk.
Overview: Assuming it'll be easy, Puss offers to run the Cow and Moone for Pajuna while she's off on an adventure with her old pal, Roz.
Overview: A handsome face stirs up jealousy when famed treasure hunter Guy Fox asks a star-struck Dulcinea to join him on his next adventure.
Overview: Puss and Dulcinea decide to go on a vacation together, though neither of them will admit it's a date. Especially when the whole town comes along.
Overview: The townsfolk look to Puss to stop San Lorenzo's earthquakes. But first, a mission to rescue a pirate captain from the Island of Doom!
Overview: When the sky gods grant Puss divine powers to calm the earthquakes, his oversized ego threatens to turn the whole town against him.
Overview: With the future of the world at stake, Puss and his friends head to the Forbidden Citadel on a mission to find the Great Mage Sino.
Overview: The Great Mage Sino reveals the full history of San Lorenzo -- and the only way to save it, which requires Puss to give up everything.