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The Morgue

The Morgue

Episode number: 1

Overview: Six Americans – strangers from all walks of life – gather to embark on a haunting journey that begins in the Pima County morgue’s dead-body freezer.

Country of Origin

Country of Origin

Episode number: 2

Overview: The six are split into three groups, each tasked with retracing one dead migrant’s past, and discover the grave circumstances that led “their” migrants to risk their lives.

La Bestia

La Bestia

Episode number: 3

Overview: Things get real in gang controlled Arriaga, when the six climb atop a cargo train known as “La Bestia,” or “The Beast.”

Crossing The Desert

Crossing The Desert

Episode number: 4

Overview: It’s the final leg of their perilous journey and the six must face sweltering heat during the day and nights that drop below zero – how long can they last?

Beyond Borderland (Reunion Studio Show)

Beyond Borderland (Reunion Studio Show)

Episode number: 5