Overview: An original sitcom from YTV, revolving around the employees of a travel agency in Kyoto whose job is to respond to tourist customer complaints. Once called the “Travel Master” Kyoka Takase was transferred to a different office after a conflict with her superior. However with her expertise in planning and numerous connections, she uses her skills to create the perfect travel plan one customer at a time!
Status: Ended
Release date: January 9, 2015
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 12
Countries of origin: Japan,
January 9, 2015.
12 Episodes
Overview: In the past, Kyoka was an excellent employee at travel agency Sunset Tours. She was called the "legendary travel master," but a conflict with her boss led to her transfer to a free department. Now, Kyoka works at a branch office for Sunset Tours in Kyoto. She teams up with rookie employee Ichiro and divorced taxi driver Tetsuo. Tetsuo is familiar with the roads in Kyoto.
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