Overview: The drama revolves around Kounotori Sakura, an Ob-Gyn doctor working at the Persona General Medical Centre who is also a gifted jazz pianist. His mother had died in childbirth and he was brought up in an orphanage, which is what fueled his ambition to be an ob-gyn. He hopes to be able to deliver every baby to this world, congratulating them on the gift of life given to their little bodies. (Source: TBS)
Status: Ended
Release date: October 16, 2015
Number of season: 2
Number of episode: 21
Countries of origin: Japan,
October 16, 2015.
10 Episodes
Overview: A compassionate obstetrician — who's also a gifted pianist — devotes himself to guiding his patients through the miracle and challenges of childbirth.
See episodesOctober 13, 2017.
11 Episodes
Overview: Obstetrician Dr. Sakura Konotori helps out his old mentor in a general hospital on a remote island with limited medical resources.
See episodes