Overview: In this live action adaptation of the popular anime, five boys face harsh punishment for seeking forbidden sights at their new, formerly all-girls high school.
Overview: The Underground Student Council has it out for the disgraced group of peepers as they do their best to cope with their "prison."
Overview: Gakuto hatches an explosive plan to help Kiyoshi escape the prison and secure his date at the sumo match with Chiyo.
Overview: As Kiyoshi deals with the fallout from his failed escape attempt, the Underground Student Council initiates Operation: DTO in an attempt to expel the boys once and for all.
Overview: Relationships are strained and tensions are heightened as Operation: DTO moves forward at full force.
Overview: Now that Operation: DTO has completed its goal, the boys must rush to find proof that they were framed before the chairman finalizes their expulsion.
Overview: The boys seem utterly doomed as their expulsion creeps closer and closer. However, rays of hope shine upon them from unexpected places.
Overview: With just one day left to prove their innocence, the boys amass all their resources to launch one final counterattack against the Underground Student Council.
Overview: It's all led to this; will the boys finally be able to return to their old life at the high school, or will they be forced to leave it forever?