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The Holidays Begin

The Holidays Begin

Episode number: 1

Overview: The holidays are here and this time Acapulco is the chosen city. The shorts are arriving one by one at the house and the party is slowly starting to take shape.

The Eternal Party

The Eternal Party

Episode number: 2

Overview: The party continues and the captain unleashes the first crisis in the house. The tension between Isa and Fernanda grows with an unexpected outcome and the arrival of Nacha surprises everyone in the house.

A night of passion

A night of passion

Episode number: 3

Overview: The boss appears for the first time. The shores discover that the house has a nightclub. The relationship between Alba and Fer grows stronger while Nacha lets Jacky know that she is playing a fake.

Women on the attack

Women on the attack

Episode number: 4

Overview: The captain returns to the shore house. A trip on a catamaran generates a confrontation between Alba and Chile, while Fernanda's night of passion is damaged and Nacha explodes against Jacky.

The fight begins

The fight begins

Episode number: 5

Overview: Jaylin opens up to the shores and tells them her story. The group relaxes at a beach club but the problems continue. Jaylin and Captain argue and the situation between Nacha and Jacky gets out of hand.

The Crisis Of Team Tendo

The Crisis Of Team Tendo

Episode number: 6

Overview: The Shores return home by bus and what seemed like it was going to be a relaxed and fun trip turns into a free-for-all. The Boss officially introduces himself and a new member arrives.

The XV party

The XV party

Episode number: 7

Overview: Team Tendo throws a 15th birthday party for their Matrioska and the shores throw themselves into the celebration as only they know how. Everything is fun until an unexpected argument goes beyond all limits.

The house is on fire

The house is on fire

Episode number: 8

Overview: With the recent expulsion of Captain and the women tearing out their hair extensions completely out of control, the shores promise to take Acapulco out of control as if it were the first time.

The Pride Shore

The Pride Shore

Episode number: 9

Overview: The Matrioska entertains her friends and organizes an inclusive picnic where the shores will open their hearts. With high spirits, the shores parade through Acapulco and organize Isa's initiation.

Welcome and farewell

Welcome and farewell

Episode number: 10

Overview: The holidays are here and this time Acapulco is the chosen city. The shorts are arriving one by one at the house and the party is slowly starting to take shape.

Brazilian party

Brazilian party

Episode number: 11

Overview: Matheus' arrival changes the dynamic in the house and the women go crazy for the new shore but the men are not far behind as an Argentine bombshell surprises them by arriving with Nacha.

The trial

The trial

Episode number: 12

Overview: Nacha shows interest in Matheus and Diego explodes with jealousy, although the least expected fight occurs between two strong women and the matter escalates in seconds. Another trial is approaching in the house.

The expulsion

The expulsion

Episode number: 13

Overview: Jacky is kicked out of the house and Fernanda decides to go with her. Chile and Isa give themselves over to polyamory and Diana fears reprisals. The Shores relax on the beach but Diego's insolence annoys everyone.

Surprise guests

Surprise guests

Episode number: 14

Overview: Although the holidays are almost over, the rhythm never slows down in Acapulco and the Boss has farewell surprises for the shores: Drinks on a yacht and a final party that promises to be unforgettable.

The Final Party

The Final Party

Episode number: 15

Overview: Last day in Acapulco and the shores promise to take the party to another level. Jacky and Fernanda don't want to be left out and have several surprises prepared for their companions. It will be an epic final party.