Overview: The live-action comedy follows comedy duo Paige and Frankie, two quirky teens who write funny songs and create music comedy videos for their online channel. With the help of friend and aspiring agent Bernie plus Vuuugle stars Dirk and Amelia, the best friends embark on comedic adventures in their quest to take the video blogging world by storm.
Status: Canceled
Release date: June 24, 2016
Number of season: 3
Number of episode: 63
Countries of origin: United States of America,
July 24, 2018.
21 Episodes
Overview: Paige and Frankie have been selected to stay at Vuuugle’s prestigious beach house in Malibu, California for the entire summer, along with several other top social media influencers. The comedy duo’s housemates include fellow v-logging star Amelia, their buddy Bernie and two new rambunctious tween bloggers – Zane (of “Zane’s Unboxed”) and Rodney (of “What’s in M’ Hair”) – who run their online channels with their moms. With the friends by their side, Paige and Frankie embark on an endless summer of creativity and fun.
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