Overview: The unfortunates are Ethan, Daisy, Thomas, Daveena, Mete and Ellie. The winner is Daisy.
Overview: The unfortunates are Ross, Lucy, PJ, Jordan, Megan and Kimberley. The winner is Kimberley.
Overview: The unfortunates are Tariq, Nicole, Connor, Courtney, Paige and Kadeem. The winner is Kadeem.
Overview: The unfortunates are Leurim, Noor, Said, Hodon, Ganto and Irisa. The winner is Noor.
Overview: The unfortunates are Daisi, Kaleah, John, Freya, Kieran and Ellie. The winner is Ellie.
Overview: The unfortunates are Matthew, Bobbie-Leigh, Paul, Rhea, Harry and Fern. The winner is Rhea.
Overview: The unfortunates are Sam, Leah, Joel, Caitlin, Euan and Cerys. The winner is Cerys.
Overview: The unfortunates are Adam, Abigail, Ellis, Amy, Ads and Abbie. The winner is Ellis.
Overview: The unfortunates are Yoma, Rowan, Lotte, Moobina, Yusuf and Tiernan. The winner is Yoma.
Overview: The unfortunates are Josh, Amy, Ruby, Joshua, Keane and Molly. The winner is Keane.
Overview: The unfortunates are Nicolas, Katie, Zak, Martha, Craig and Lauren. The winner is Katie.
Overview: The unfortunates are Ryan, Shannon, Emilio, Brett, Neve and Shelby. The winner is Neve.
Overview: The unfortunates are Joshua, Penny, Juliette, Daniel, Mahnoor and Sam. The winner is Juliette.