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Risky Waters

Risky Waters

Episode number: 1

Overview: Venomous critters roam both land and sea in Australia. Under the ocean's surface is an entire world of swimmers inflicting pain and paralysis.

Fast and Furious

Fast and Furious

Episode number: 2

Overview: Cameras capture creatures with a mean streak and lightening-quick reflexes, including a tiny grub with potent itch power and a giant water buffalo.

Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive

Episode number: 3

Overview: From city fliers and ocean swimmers to outback dwellers and even an extinct species, see how this group of beasts ranks on the danger scale.

Tiny Terrors

Tiny Terrors

Episode number: 4

Overview: Take an insider's look at Australia's most deadly and diminutive species, including a virus-carrying mosquito and the waterhole-dwelling olive python.

The Ancient Killer

The Ancient Killer

Episode number: 5

Overview: Meet a wild canine with cute puppies and a bad reputation. Learn why the wild dingo may look cuddly, but is a deadly playmate.

The Greatest Fear

The Greatest Fear

Episode number: 6

Overview: This episode reveals how a soothing dip in Australia's ocean can turn terrifying when the cold eyes and sharp teeth of a shark appear.

Cruel Creatures

Cruel Creatures

Episode number: 7

Overview: This episode focuses on deadly creatures' playful ways, including the brutal sea lion, the poisonous stonefish and the furry fruit bat.

Instant Death

Instant Death

Episode number: 8

Overview: This episode focuses on dangerous beasts and their natural weapons: Talons, teeth, fangs and tentacles are all used as instruments of pain and death.

Seeing Red

Seeing Red

Episode number: 9

Overview: Visit with one of Australia's most feared ocean dwellers: The stingray glides through the water, waiting to inflict pain with it's barbed stinger.

Lurking in the Grass

Lurking in the Grass

Episode number: 10

Overview: See how Australia's grasslands harbour animals are worth worrying about, especially the venomous reptiles that slither amongst the country's green fields.

Brutal Bites

Brutal Bites

Episode number: 11

Overview: Which beast has the most vicious bite? It might be the jaws of an ancient creature, a rare reptile's fangs or poisonous spines caught on a fish hook.

Unknown Dangers

Unknown Dangers

Episode number: 12

Overview: This episode counts down Australia's top ten dangerous animals, including the razor-jawed jack jumper aunt and the beautiful killer box jellyfish.