Action & Adventure
Overview: The series is a prequel, featuring the high school years of Flint Lockwood, the eccentric young scientist in the films. In his adventures, he will be joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "wannabe" reporter, along with Flint's dad Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club, Earl as a school gym teacher, Brent as a baby wear model, and Mayor Shelbourne, who wins every election on the pro-sardine platform.
Status: Returning Series
Release date: February 20, 2017
Number of season: 2
Number of episode: 103
Countries of origin: Canada, United States of America,
February 20, 2017.
52 Episodes
Overview: Teenager Flint Lockwood has a knack for invention. With help from his pal Sam Sparks, he might even change the world -- if he doesn't break it first.
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