Overview: The first episode of the topical satirical CGI comedy show which takes a biting look at the great and the good - from celebrities to politicians and members of the Royal Family. Featuring the vocal talents of Rory Bremner, Jon Culshaw, Tom Hollander, Katy Brand and Omid Djalili among others, Headcases pokes fun at British household names and Hollywood A-listers alike, with Amy Winehouse, the Beckhams, Jeremy Clarkson, Madonna and Trevor McDonald among those on the receiving end.
Overview: Sketches this week included the OAP Action Heroes - (Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis three movie stars who refuse to retire. But how tough can you be armed with a zimmer frame? Also Heather Mills reveals her 'man factory'
Overview: Sketches in this episode included Dames Helen Mirren and Judi Dench adding to the walk of fame, Kate Middleton avoiding anothe royal trap and Angelina Jolie's evil plan to try and get better hair than Jennifer Aniston.
Overview: The Headcases sketches this week included Bono pleading for better postal services, Russell Brand being used as a toilet brush and the Princes go to the cinema. Plus Dames Helen Mirren and Judi Dench get put in the stocks.
Overview: Boris Johnson, the New Mayor of London, gives a very canine acceptance speach. Nicholas Sarkozy bothers Jaqueline Smith. Prince Phillip tries to get rid of Kate Middleton at a concert. Angelina Jolie and Rachel from Friends come face-to-face.
Overview: Sketches include President Ahmadinejad making another heartfelt plea to the West to allow Iran the nuclear materials they need... for perfectly innocent reasons like building nuclear-powered hoovers and glow-in-the-dark watches!
Overview: Fabio Capello tries to learn English, Victoria Beckham kills Piers Morgan and Mohamed Fayed investigates Richard and Judy.
Overview: The final episode sees the old action heros battling Heather Mill McCartney and jokes at the expense of the newly married thick, ape-like, granny loving footballer Wayne Rooney and orange WAG Colleen McLoughlin.