Overview: Donald Duck reluctantly takes his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie to the home of their reclusive great-uncle Scrooge McDuck. Enthralled by their once legendary great-uncle and the wonder of McDuck Manor, the triplets and their newfound fierce friend Webby learn of long-kept family secrets and unleash totems from Scrooge's epic past, sending the family on an adventure of a lifetime to the Lost City of Atlantis.
Overview: The nephews take Webby to Funso's Fun Zone and have a dangerous run-in with the Beagle Boys.
Overview: Louie accidentally spends Scrooge's Number One Dime and turns to mad inventor Gyro Gearloose for help to get it back, while Dewey and Webby become entangled in a conspiracy.
Overview: After crashing Ma Beagle's birthday party, Webby and new mysterious friend Lena must fight their way through Beagle Boy turf to get back home.
Overview: Huey and Webby's disagreement over the existence of a mythic species leads the kids to explore an eerie abandoned subway tunnel, while Mrs. Beakley grows suspicious of Lena.
Overview: Donald competes with his cousin Gladstone Gander to impress Louie at a mysterious resort in Macaw, while Scrooge tries to lure the kids away from the resort’s endless distractions.
Overview: Huey competes with Dewey for a coveted internship with Duckburg's newest tech billionaire, Mark Beaks, while Scrooge and Glomgold team up to take this new competitor down.
Overview: In a lost pyramid, Louie interprets a pharaoh's prophecy to his advantage, forcing Scrooge and Launchpad to convince a group of living mummies to rescue him.
Overview: Scrooge and Huey are determined to be the first to set foot atop an impossible summit, but the snow-capped mountain holds a treacherous secret that tests both their commitment and survival.
Overview: Donald is dragged into a feud between Scrooge and Zeus, while Dewey and Webby search for an artifact that may provide the truth about Dewey’s mother.
Overview: Brilliant young scientist Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera is recruited by Launchpad who is feeling menaced by tech genius Mark Beaks’ newest invention.
Overview: Dewey’s natural golf abilities challenge Scrooge’s ego while, a seemingly innocent, mystical golf course leads the group into trouble.
Overview: When Scrooge unexpectedly disappears during his birthday party, Huey, Dewey and Louie find themselves hosting a mystery party where everyone is a suspect.
Overview: The kids and Launchpad work together to capture a mystical money shark while Scrooge attempts to better his public image with a televised interview.
Overview: Scrooge reteams with his conniving ex-partner and old flame, Goldie O’ Gilt, to find a long-lost golden lagoon, but Glomgold has other plans.
Overview: When Dewey invents a holiday that allows the triplets to be only children for a day, each realizes they need their brothers more than they thought.
Overview: Webby learns how Scrooge and Mrs. Beakley first met while she helps Scrooge rescue her granny from the clutches of rival spy Black Heron.
Overview: As Fenton figures out how to be a hero, Mark Beaks offers to hire Gizmoduck and help him defend all of Duckburg.
Overview: Lena’s loyalties are tested when Magica forces her to lead Webby on a raid to a facility full of Scrooge’s most dangerous artifacts to find his #1 Dime.
Overview: Feeling ignored, Dewey finds a new family: a band of singing and dancing pirates looking to rob Scrooge blind.
Overview: On a family trip to Scrooge’s ancestral castle, Dewey tries to hide the truth about his mom as his brothers search for family secrets.
Overview: Stuck on a precarious peak, the kids secretly search the plane for the final clue about Della’s mysterious disappearance.
Overview: Magica De Spell is close to exacting revenge on Scrooge, so the family races against time to plan a dangerous rescue mission to save Scrooge and the city.