Overview: The series begins by examining the case of Allitt, a nurse on the children's ward of a hospital in Lincolnshire. She poisoned a string of young patients under her care over the course of 59 days in 1991, murdering four.
Overview: Benjamin Geen worked as a nurse at Horton General Hospital in Banbury, Oxfordshire. In 2006 he was tried and convicted of murdering two patients and causing GBH to 15 others but has always maintained his innocence.
Overview: Genene Jones worked in the paediatric intensive care unit of a Texas hospital.
Overview: Police were called in after a suspicious number of patients died while in Daniela Poggiali's care.
Overview: The chilling story of German nurse Stephan Letter, who was tried for the murders of 29 patients at a clinic in the Bavarian town of Sonthofen.
Overview: Dialysis nurse Kimberley Clark Saenz poisoned patients by injecting bleach into their bloodstream.
Overview: Real crime. Chilling series looking at nurses who kill their patients. Niels H adminstered lethal doses of drugs to patients in order to later 'show off' his resuscitation skills.
Overview: Real crime. Chilling series looking at nurses who kill their patients. Colin Norris targeted elderly patients by adminstering them unnecessary doses of insulin.
Overview: The case of Filipino nurse Victorino Chua, who secured a job at Stepping Hill Hospital, Manchester, and began to inject insulin into saline bags of 44-year-old Tracy Warden and 83-year-old Alfred Weaver.
Overview: Charles Cullen was a nurse that is believed to have killed over 300 patients. Experts analyse the actions and motive of this insidious serial killer.