Overview: Hosted by Shane Jacobson, this program sees children illuminate the stage with their talents. This episode, we meet a sheep shearer, dancer, tumbler, drummer, snooker player and Rubik's cube genius.
Overview: Tonight we meet a pianist, whip cracker, boxer, human encyclopedia, pogo stick jumper and dancer.
Overview: Tonight we meet an archer, goat milker, knife thrower and assistant, a polyglot, Frisbee trickster and rock' n 'roll guitarist. Hosted by Shane Jacobson.
Overview: We meet hula dancers, a rollerblader, spelling champ, skateboarders, lawn bowls champion and a unicycling bagpiper.
Overview: We meet a contortionist, anatomy expert, reptile ranger, golfer, animal impersonator and a honky-tonk pianist.
Overview: Tonight we meet a contortionist, anatomy expert, reptile ranger, golfer, animal impersonator and a honky tonk pianist.
Overview: We meet violinists, wrestlers, an origami expert entrepreneur, Haka dancers, a teddy bear maker, and a roller skater.
Overview: We meet a wall climber, a scientist, Latin dancers, reporter, horse trickster and a lawnmower racer.