Overview: A group of terror-stricken high school classmates awakens to a chilling scenario -- they're confined in a chamber of horrors, desperate for answers.
Overview: As the girls desperately try to find ways to escape, they gradually key into a commonality that brings them all together in the room.
Overview: When the girls fear their captivity is retribution for an incident with a classmate, they point fingers as to who was at fault to save themselves.
Overview: The captives begin to string together clues and offer up confessions to solve the riddle as the table is cleared and set for new horrors.
Overview: A new concoction of riddles are offered into the mix as the remaining students decipher several seemingly unrelated incidents at school.
Overview: The girls finally realize that their antics at school have had profound, negative consequences -- and their victims may be seeking revenge.
Overview: In a heartbreaking twist, one student confesses to the actions that may have led to the very reason the seven girls remain captive in the room.
Overview: A horrifying truth is uncovered as the captives trace back the chain of events from last year that led to the alleged suicide of one of their friends.
Overview: While recalling memories of their friend Miho's father, the hostages uncover a secret relationship between two of the remaining girls in the process.
Overview: Suspicions lead to the possibility that the mastermind has been sitting amongst them all along, posed as a fellow captive and keeping watch.
Overview: With the list of culprits exhausted, the final captive comes faces to face with the individual who's been scheming revenge.
Overview: The encounter between the last captive and the captor escalates dangerously when they see a glimmer of hope that may change their fate.