Overview: The story begins in April 1986 and is set during the days of the bubble economy. Kaidou Akira comes from a wealthy background and is the heir of a large company Tokai Yuusen. On the other hand, his genius classmate from the University of Tokyo, Yamazaki Akira had a tough life due to the bankruptcy of his father's company and having to run away from creditors but overcomes the odds to graduatefrom the top-notch school. The two are employed at the same bank and get caught in a battle lasting over 10 years which causes upheavals in their lives.
Status: Ended
Release date: July 9, 2017
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 9
July 9, 2017.
9 Episodes
Overview: At the height of the bubble economy, two bank employees compete to reach the top in a 10-year rivalry. It doesn't help that they share the same name.
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