Overview: Following the devastating loss of The Elders, Mel, Maggie and Macy take over their duties. Maggie takes time to celebrate her birthday with a big bash, but Mel finds herself too preoccupied with their new responsibilities to join in the fun.
Overview: Macy tries making sense of some very intense dreams. Mel and Maggie try to accept their new roles. Harry and Mel go on an old-fashioned road trip in search of the demons attempting to bring about the extinction of all witches.
Overview: Mel and Harry try to crack the Book of Elders. Macy struggles with her demon side. Maggie competes with Jordan for a promotion. Macy meets a witch named Abigael.
Overview: Macy and Me join forces with Abigael to track down the Assassin. Maggie starts her new gig and has a breakthrough when she reaches out to help Jordan. Harry discovers a horrifying secret.
Overview: Mel and Maggie attempt to find a missing Macy with a spell, while Harry uses a different method — allowing Abigael to help him access his subconscious in an attempt to connect with his dark side.
Overview: Macy must fight a dangerous enemy to survive; Maggie’s impromptu karaoke duet with Jordan may lead to answers about her powers. Meanwhile, Mel and Harry take a gamble on a demon who may know the Assassin’s whereabouts.
Overview: Harry and Macy make a startling discovery; Maggie teams up with Abby against an unlikely foe.
Overview: Maggie makes a life-changing decision that her sisters and Harry fear will destroy her.
Overview: Maggie and Mel make a startling discovery that turns their world upside down; Macy's chance encounter with a SafeSpace investor takes an unexpected turn.
Overview: Maggie and Mel fear Jordan’s curse is alive and well. Macy and Harry confront unspoken feelings.
Overview: When Harry comes down with a mysterious illness, Macy, Mel and Abigael must work together to save his life, and Macy turns to Julian for help. Meanwhile, Jordan and Maggie embark on a dangerous mission in New Orleans.
Overview: A mysterious SOS call from Whitelighter Helen draws Harry, Mel, Macy and Maggie into a perilous conflict with Darklighter Helen. In an attempt to reignite the Power of Three, Macy resorts to drastic measures.
Overview: Harry can’t expel his past so The Charmed Ones rush to his aid but ultimately he makes a deal with the devil. As The Charmed Ones continue their efforts to restore the Power of Three, they find themselves in the gravest circumstance yet.
Overview: The Charmed Ones must track down an enemy to save one of their own. In the course of their mission, Maggie comes face to face with Parker, Macy solicits Julian’s help, and Mel and Harry uncover a monstrous truth.
Overview: The Charmed Ones must face their worst fears in order to reclaim the power of three.
Overview: The Charmed Ones must join forces with Parker when Mel is endangered in the demon world. Harry and Jordan infiltrate the Faction with dangerous consequences.
Overview: The Charmed Ones must infiltrate a faction gala event in order to rescue Harry; Macy comes to a stunning conclusion.
Overview: An urgent problem leads Mel and Maggie to seek help from their father, while Macy discovers a shocking secret about her past.
Overview: In the season finale, The Charmed Ones must stop the Faction from reaching the sacred tree in the Command Center before disaster strikes. In the meantime, Mel has a surprising encounter with Ruby, Maggie's newfound powers prove a double-edged sword, and Harry and Macy deal with a new twist in their relationship.